5 Features of a Fantastic Transdisciplinary Team

Therapies and Resources for Children with Autism & Families

Are you seeking a fantastic therapy team to work with your child? There are several factors to look for when choosing a transdisciplinary team:

Family members are integrated and engaged in your child’s therapy.

We believe that family members should be integrated into a child’s therapy. At Peak Potential Therapy, we value our clients’ families as active members of our team and look for ways to collaborate with parents and engage a child’s entire family in therapy when possible.

Therapists are committed to ongoing training and learning.

A fantastic therapy team will understand that there is no end to learning new skills. Therapists should be committed to training each other in their specific areas of expertise and engaged in ongoing learning opportunities. We also try to blend our skillset with expertise and knowledge we have obtained from other disciplines.

The focus is on achieving an integrated outcome for your child.

A strong transdisciplinary team will be committed to using a variety of methods to create the best possible outcome for your child. When there is a collaborative approach to your child’s treatment plan, all aspects of therapy can be integrated to best contribute to a functional lifestyle.

The treatment plan is unique, customized and individualized to meet the needs of your child.

Again, achieving this relies on collaboration among family members, therapists, and other professionals. When everyone works together, including the family, who can best speak to their child’s unique needs and skills, a stronger plan will be created.

Therapy allows generalization to occur naturally.

At Peak Potential Therapy, we provide therapy services in a variety of environments—at home, at our therapy center, out in the community—and with multiple team members. This helps generalization to your child’s regular environment occur naturally. When all of these factors are in place, your child will learn more efficiently and effectively, be able to carry new skills into other settings, and receive consistent guidance and support from his or her therapy team.